Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Early flights and new friends 6.21.16

Hola Amigos,

We are back after the Feria Nacional.  This time from Salta, Argentina. This beautiful town, nestled in the mountains, is a two hour flight from Buenos Aires and the home of our service at Fe y Alegria.  After catching a very early flight, we landed here and toured the lovely little city, with its many churches and eclectic mix of architectural building styles (Spanish, Middle Eastern, Italian). Empanadas and pizza followed then we began the mission we had really come here for- meeting and witnessing daily life at the Fe Y Alegria school.

We toured the large campus of the school and then the town the surrounds it. Shocking poverty and a way of life none of us have previously witnessed was all around. What truly struck us was the joy and appreciation for life that the people there had.  Most of the students and their families live difficult lives yet they were very excited for our visit and welcomed us warmly.  The boys talked to the students and then played a mixed match of rugby together on a local field. This was clearly a bonding experience and all had a great time!

We are back to Fe y Algeria today for a full day. They have some fun plans for us! Stay tuned...

Be Well,
Marian y Elena

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