In Salta we had a wonderful experience learning every nook and cranny of the mountains and surrounding area. Friday we got to go to the mountain called the "Devils Throat". We got to climb, look in awe, take pictures and laugh there. The mountain had been carved by a waterfall than no longer existed. It took us about ten minutes to get into this ravine styled space in the wall. It continues to amaze me the wonders of the natural world. On this day we got to also see the "amphitheater". A mountain chiseled in a way that allows sound amplification. It was shaped just like a huge bowl in the wall. In addition, we met Sofia the Llama and feed her (for those daring enough). We stopped at a cliff drop-off. Only few were adventurous enough to step closer to the edge. In addition to all of these things, we got to see a place called the three crosses. There stands three crosses, hence the name. There we climbed up another mountain type area. I speak for all of us that it was very tiring all the riding in the van. But, extremely worth it in the end! The more we know.
Milton this sounds like such an unforgettable journey. A Llama, wow in all my travels I have never seen one. I hope your Spanish is getting better and better. Get everything you can out of this experience.